Name of the service provider: Illés Ádám Law Office József Németh Law Firm  
Registered office of the service provider: H-1052 Budapest Semmelweis utca 14. 3.em 11. H-1052 Budapest Semmelweis utca 14. 3.em 11.
Contact details of the service provider: +36 1 792 6744 +361 787 2136  
Authority registering the provider: Budapest Bar Association Budapest Bar Association  
VAT number: 18397468-2-41 18409318-2-41  
Official approval:  
Chamber: Budapest Bar Association Budapest Bar Association  


Details of the hosting service provider

Name: Inclust Systems Kft.
Headquarters: H-1054 Budapest, Honvéd utca 8. 1/2.
Tax number: 14492327-2-41