Corporate Law/Mergers & Acquisitions

Be it friendly or hostile, an acquisition can prove to be a messy business. Whether you are buyer or seller, you will need a diligent janitor to guide you through the spring cleaning. We come suitably equipped to take care of your corporate constructions. Once the groundwork has been laid and the finer details applied, the pen may finally be drawn to seal the deal. We provide solid advice in all aspects related to corporate law and in transactions at home and abroad. From start-up to going public, we keep your house safe and clean.


» Full legal due diligence of the Hungarian subsidiary of a leading Central European printing group and advice on the Hungarian aspects of the cross-border acquisition (2022);
» Due diligence and legal advisory related to takeover of business of the Hungarian distributor of a German manufacturer of medical devices (2020);
» Representing a French worldwide leader in the dairy industry in the cross-border acquisition of the Italian Nuova Castelli Group, due diligence of its Hungarian production company (2019);
» Full legal service to a leading CEE provider of BPO services related to the acquisition of 100% shares of a Hungarian mid-size accounting firm (2019);
» Optimization of the corporate structure of a Hungarian electronics manufacturer in order to fit the contemplated admission of an external investor (2019)

Labour Law

Life and human nature are unpredictable. Business may have ups and downs and even the most reliable workers can put down tools at any time. In such cases, disruption to normal operations must be kept to a minimum. That’s where our technicians come in with a precision repair kit featuring prudence, consideration and discretion to ensure your business is restored to full working order. We make sure that expansion, secondment, transfer of undertaking, downsizing, collective bargaining are not synonyms of headache in your dictionary anymore.


» Advising on legal issues related to collective redundancies in an automotive manufacturing company (2023);
» Advising a worldwide leader in facility management in questions related to transfer of employees (TUPE) (2020);
» Advising several clients on impacts of COVID-19 extraordinary legislation on employment relationships (2020);
» Advising a leading manufacturer of sanitary products in introducing working time banking, reorganizing business units and representing the client in negotiations with employees (2017).

Commercial Law

Making a good contract is fastening your seatbelt before you start the engine. Detecting ambiguous points in a contract can save valuable management time and straightforward negotiations are a key to avoiding later misunderstandings. Each contract is a work of art, be it a distribution agreement, a franchise agreement or the general terms of sale. In case of a dispute, our ambulance team is there for you to minimise the damage.


» Advising an industrial design company on a design contract with a global manufacturer of small household appliances (2023);
» Advising an Italian global tobacco company on a contract manufacturing agreement with a Hungarian company (2023);
» Representing a forging company in negotiations for a joint venture agreement with a European automotive supplier (2022);
» Representing a leading Central European printing company in contract negotiations with a natural gas trader (2022);
» Elaborating a franchise concept for a Czech last mile delivery company (2021);
» Preparation of various commercial agreements for the Hungarian operation of a UK based multinational transportation company (2020);
» Advising a leading Czech supplier of power stations for various types of fuel on the terms of a service and supply agreement on designing, engineering and supplying turbines to an international company (2019);
» Preparing template supply agreements for a worldwide leader in facility management related to its different activities (2018)

Real Property Law

One of the most important investment forms requires professional attitude and high level of expertise. Be it a studio or a hundred-rooms hotel, you can expect professional handling of your case from us.


» Representing an international supermarket chain in contract negotiations for various development areas (2024);
» Legal support for a leading printing company in Central Europe in the sale of an industrial facility (2022);
» Representing a Belgian automotive manufacturing company in the acquisition of industrial real estate (2021);
» Continuous legal assistance of an Azerbaijani investor group in connection with purchasing of real properties in Hungary (2020-)

Data Protection / Data Privacy

Data protection notice, GDPR, consent, cloud services, webshop, camera surveillance, big data, AI…We are here to ensure that these buzzwords do not mean headache but possibilities for You.


» Conducting data protection audit at a Hungarian company working in packaging business (2020);
» Supporting data protection review at a Hungarian branch office of a French company manufacturing machines for chemical industry (2021);
» Preparation of data protection documentation in connection with a marketing campaign of a Hungarian company conducted via email and telephone calls (2021);
» Preparation of data protection documentation for an online marketing campaign of a multinational food company (2021)

Competition Law/Antitrust Law

Long gone are the days of the wild west when you could suppress the competition by pulling out a Colt from under your leather coat. Instead, Competition and Antitrust Laws provide for some nasty grenades and rifles for the authorities – and they are not afraid to use them. This is not the place for playing Clint Eastwood – go in all guns blazing and you’ll only end up shooting yourself in the foot. We offer advice on distribution mechanisms, control of mergers, stopping unfair competitors and settlement of other disputes.


» Representing a leading partwork publisher in Europe before the procedure of the Hungarian Competition Authority (2022)


Lady Justice may be blind but our eyes are trained to see the finest of details where the devil is hiding. Litigation requires endurance, thoroughness and charisma. We are conditioned to fight and do not shy away from disputes, but we nonetheless keep an eye on the economic outcome. We regularly take action for our clients in litigations and other court or administrative proceedings.


​» Representing a startup company in a dispute arising from an investment agreement (2022);
​» Representing a Hungarian company in a case started for enforcement of a promissory note (2021);
​» Representing a consumer in a civil law dispute  against one of the Hungarian telecom service providers and against a Hungarian financial institution (2021);
​» Legal representation in a legal dispute related to a domain (2021);
​» Representing a non-profit organisation in a legal dispute in connection with incentives (2021);
​» Representing a UK-based multinational transportation company in a civil law dispute related to the termination of a franchise agreement (2020);
​» Representing a production company in a litigation against a bank based on unlawful termination of a loan agreement (2020);
» Representing a vehicle manufacturer in a litigation concerning copyright infringement and industrial counterfeit which ended up in a successful settlement (2019);
» Permanent representation of a leading manufacturer of sanitary products in consumer disputes;

Intellectual property law

Facebook creates no content, Airbnb owns no hotels, Uber owns no cars. What they own is the finest grey matter that drives the world ahead. Our intellectual property watchdogs are trained to keep copycats away. Your idea needs protection from the moment it is born – leave it to the experts. We prepare software licence agreements, utilisation agreements, research contracts; we take care of your trademark and patent applications and we combat product piracy and other unfair competition practices.


» Developing an employer’s policy on the use of IT tools and the protection of intellectual property for a Belgian vehicle manufacturing company (2024);
» Representing a Hungarian software developer in litigation concerning unauthorised use of software and as a victim in criminal proceedings (2023);
» Representing a worldwide leader in food services and facility management in taking actions against trademark infringements;
» Trademark registration for a Hungarian bakery (2020);
» Representation of a Hungarian software engineering company in negotiations with a software manufacturer on alleged piracy claims, achieving a settlement in the amount of 20% of the original claims (2020);
» Elaborating software license agreements for a Hungarian software engineering company for its electronic invoicing solutions (2017)

The strict regulation of food, food supplements, pharmaceuticals and medical devices creates specific administrative burdens for enterprises. We use our expertise to take these burdens off our clients’ shoulders.


​» Representation of an international group of companies trading infant formulae and follow-on formulae in placing their products on the Hungarian market (2020);
​» Advising an international pharmaceutical trading company on establishing good manufacturing and trading practices (2019).


Hungary offers great opportunities also for people from outside the EU to succeed in business or as employees. We can help them and their family members, proceeding efficiently in order to get the respective permits.


» Providing full service in obtaining golden visa for foreign investors;
» Ongoing representation to obtain residence permits for employees of a South Korean catering company;
» Representation in order to obtain a residence permit for an employee of a real estate development company in Azerbaijan (2020);
» Representation in order to obtain a residence permit for the manager and an employee of a South African company engaged in the design and manufacture of combinational circuits (2021).


According to the Whistleblower Act, all companies with more than 50 employees shall operate a whistleblowing system from 17 December 2023. Our office, together with DELAWARE Consulting Hungary, has developed the platform your voice by delaware that can be easily implemented by the companies affected, and we can prepare the necessary policies and other documents on request, as well as undertake the representation as an independent whistleblowing attorney. If you are interested in any of these services, please e-mail us at office@visegradlegal.hu and we will contact you.


» Advisory services related to implementation of a whisteblowing system operated by a large multinational audit and tax advisor company;
» Taking part in the investigations of the riports submitted within whistleblowing services.